The Linux filesystem and directory structure every Linux user should know

👉 / – The root directory All the files and directories in Linux are located under ‘root’ represented by ‘/’. If you look at the directory structure, you’ll realize that it is similar to a plant’s root. 👉 /bin – Binaries The ‘/bin’ directly contains the executable files of many basic shell commands like ls,… Read More The Linux filesystem and directory structure every Linux user should know

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How To Start Your Network Automation Journey?

My network automation journey started in 2017 after I was promoted to network automation manager.
This is the first presentation that I have prepared and presented to my managers in 2017 regarding network automation 🙂
I hope this information will be helpful to start your network automation journey ;)… Read More How To Start Your Network Automation Journey?

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Are you know the difference between LXC vs LXD vs Docker Containers? let’s see it.

Types of containers: System containers (as run by LXD) are similar to virtual or physical machines. They run a full operating system inside them, you can run any type of workload, and you manage them exactly as you would a virtual or a physical machine. System containers could host several applications within a single system… Read More Are you know the difference between LXC vs LXD vs Docker Containers? let’s see it.

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How to Install Ubuntu Server 16.04 in a Hyper-V Generation 2 VM

See the instructions to Create a virtual machine by using Hyper-V Manager Install Ubuntu Server (just hit enter) Choose Language: English Location: United States Configure keyboard: Choose your keyboard or use automatic detection. Having the right keyboard will help you to type correctly the password later. If the network of your vSwitch have DHCP, the installation continue… Read More How to Install Ubuntu Server 16.04 in a Hyper-V Generation 2 VM

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Create a virtual machine by using Hyper-V Manager

Open Hyper-V Manager. From the Action pane, click New, and then click Virtual Machine. From the New Virtual Machine Wizard, click Next. From the Wizard type your VM Name 5. Choose Generation 2 6. Startup Memory: I have 8GB on my laptop, so I assigned 6GB, but it depends on your own machine. With dynamic memory enabled. 7. Networking: use a vSwitch… Read More Create a virtual machine by using Hyper-V Manager

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Create a Virtual Switch with Hyper-V Manager with Internet access

Open Hyper-V Manager. A quick way to do this is by hitting the Windows button or key then type “Hyper-V Manager”.If search doesn’t find Hyper-V Manager, Hyper-V or the Hyper-V management tools are not enabled. See the instructions to enable Hyper-V. Select the server in the left pane, or click “Connect to Server…” in the right… Read More Create a Virtual Switch with Hyper-V Manager with Internet access

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