The Linux filesystem and directory structure every Linux user should know

πŸ‘‰ / – The root directory All the files and directories in Linux are located under β€˜root’ represented by β€˜/’. If you look at the directory structure, you’ll realize that it is similar to a plant’s root. πŸ‘‰ /bin – Binaries The β€˜/bin’ directly contains the executable files of many basic shell commands like ls,… Read More The Linux filesystem and directory structure every Linux user should know

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pyATS v21.1 has been released!

JB @jeaubin5 (Manager Software Developer engineering at #Cisco #pyATS | Genie Architect) Just tweeted that #pyATS v21.1 has been released! Changelog:!21-1… 84 new parsers (…) 72 new api (…) Brand new Clean documentation… Much more – Take a look at the Changelog 21.2 here we go!

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